Resource Query Language


The resource query language (RQL) lets you query Wash resources. You can submit your queries to the API’s find endpoint. Here’s an example query

$ curl -X POST --unix-socket /tmp/WASH_SOCKET --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data '["kind", ["glob", "*ec2*instance"]]' 'http://localhost:/fs/find?path=/tmp/WASH_MOUNT/aws/wash' 2>/dev/null | jq
    "type_id": "",
    "path": "/tmp/WASH_MOUNT/aws/wash/resources/ec2/instances/i-04621c13583930e6c",

Note that this example started its own Wash server instance with WASH_SOCKET="/tmp/WASH_SOCKET" ./wash server /tmp/WASH_MOUNT. Also, the 2>/dev/null is there because some versions of curl include progress status on stderr.

This query returns all entries under the aws/wash entry whose kind matches the glob *ec2*instance. Informally, this query returns all AWS EC2 instances under the wash profile.

You can view the API docs for more details on the find endpoint, including its query parameters (not to be confused with an RQL query, which is specified in the request body).

AST Grammar

This section documents the RQL’s AST grammar. For convenience, let PE <PredicateType> denote the following grammar (where PE => PredicateExpression).

PE <PredicateType> :=
  [BinaryOp, PE <PredicateType>, PE <PredicateType>] |

BinaryOp := "AND" | "OR"

where <PredicateType> has its own AST grammar. Informally, PE <PredicateType> translates to a predicate expression of <PredicateType>s. For example, PE Primary translates to a predicate expression of primaries.

Similarly, let NPE <PredicateType> denote the following grammar (where NPE => NegatablePredicateExpression):

NPE <PredicateType> :=
  ["NOT", NPE <PredicateType>]                       |
  [BinaryOp, NPE <PredicateType>, NPE <PredicateType>]  |

Then the RQL AST can be expressed as

Query := PE Primary

Primary :=
  [“action”, NPE ActionPredicate] |
  BooleanPredicate                |
  [“name”,   NPE StringPredicate] |
  [“cname”,  NPE StringPredicate] |
  [“path”,   NPE StringPredicate] |
  [“kind”,   NPE StringPredicate] |
  [“atime”,  NPE TimePredicate]   |
  [“crtime”, NPE TimePredicate]   |
  [“ctime”,  NPE TimePredicate]   |
  [“mtime”,  NPE TimePredicate]   |
  SizePredicate                   |
  [“meta”,   PE ObjectPredicate]

ActionPredicate := 
  "list"   |
  "read"   |
  "write"  |
  "stream" |
  "exec"   |

ValuePredicate :=
  ObjectPredicate                    |
  ArrayPredicate                     |
  NullPredicate                      |
  BooleanPredicate                   |
  [“number”, NPE NumericPredicate]   |
  [“time”,   NPE TimePredicate]      |
  [“string”, NPE StringPredicate]

ObjectPredicate        := [“object”, SizePredicate | ObjectElementPredicate]
ObjectElementPredicate := [ObjectElementSelector, NPE ValuePredicate]
ObjectElementSelector  :=  [“key”, [“=”, <string>]]

ArrayPredicate        := [“array”, SizePredicate | ArrayElementPredicate]
ArrayElementPredicate := [ArrayElementSelector, NPE ValuePredicate]]
ArrayElementSelector  := “some” | “all”  | <array_index>

SizePredicate := [“size”, NPE NumericPredicate (n >= 0)]

NullPredicate := null

BooleanPredicate := true | false

NumericPredicate  := [ComparisonOp, Number]
ComparisonOp      := “<” | “>” | “<=” | “>=” | “=” | “!=”

StringPredicate :=
  [“glob”,   <glob>]   |
  [“regex”,  <regex>]  |
  [“=”,      <string>]

TimePredicate := [ComparisonOp, TimeValue]

From the grammar, we see that an RQL query is a predicate expression of primaries. A primary is a predicate on a Wash entry, typically on one of its fields. Examples of primaries include name, cname, and ctime, which are predicates on the entry’s name, cname and ctime attribute, respectively. Primaries take predicate expressions. For example, the name and cname primaries take a predicate expression of string predicates while the ctime primary takes a predicate expression of time predicates.

The RQL’s grammar lets you build powerful queries. See the examples below.

  ["name", ["OR", ["glob", "*.sh"], ["glob", "*.json"]]],
  ["mtime", [">", "2020-01-01T22:15:52Z"]]]

This returns true for all entries whose name matches the glob *.sh OR the glob *.json AND whose mtime attribute is greater than 01/01/2020 10:15:52 PM UTC. A query like this would be useful for finding files inside an AWS S3 bucket, a GCP Storage bucket, a container, or a VM. Specifically, you can use this query to find all .sh and .json files that were modified after 01/01/2020.

  ["name", ["glob", "*.log]],
  ["size", [">", 1024]]]

This returns true for all entries whose name matches the glob *.log AND whose size attribute is greater than 1024 bytes. You could use this to find all .log files that are greater than 1 KB (1024 bytes).

  ["kind", ["glob", "*container"]],
  ["meta", ["object", [["key", "state"], "running"]]]]

This returns all entries whose kind matches the glob *container AND with m['state'] == running, where m is the entry’s metadata. If the start path is docker, then this query would return all running Docker containers.

See the Primaries section for a list of all primaries and their documentation.

Entry schema optimization

All RQL primaries are entry predicates. However some primaries can also be entry schema predicates. Entry schema predicates act on an entry’s schema; they are useful for optimizing RQL queries.

Entry schema predicates are best illustrated by an example. Consider the following RQL query

["action", "exec"]

Assume the start path is aws, i.e. that we’re starting at the AWS plugin. Then this query would return all entries in the AWS plugin that supported the exec action.

Below is the AWS plugin’s stree output.

wash . ❯ stree aws
└── [profile]
    └── resources
        ├── s3
        │   └── [bucket]
        │       ├── [prefix]
        │       │   ├── [prefix]
        │       │   └── [object]
        │       └── [object]
        └── ec2
            └── instances
                └── [instance]
                    ├── [console.out]
                    ├── metadata.json
                    └── fs
                        ├── [dir]
                        │   ├── [dir]
                        │   └── [file]
                        └── [file]

We will refer to this hierarchy when talking about the AWS plugin. EC2 instances are the only execable entries in this hierarchy.

The RQL will optimize its search to only recurse into entries that are execable or have an execable descendant. For the AWS plugin, this means that the RQL will not recurse into S3 buckets (the node labeled bucket) or an EC2 instance’s filesystem (the node labeled fs) – those entries do not have any execable descendants. It will, however, recurse into AWS profiles (profile) and the resources directory (resources) since those entries have execable descendants (EC2 instances [instance]).

Here’s how the RQL does this “optimization”. Given our query, it

  1. Notices that the entry schema predicate is return true if the entry’s schema shows that exec is a supported action (because an entry’s supported actions are included in its schema).

  2. Grabs aws’ schema then traverses it and its child schemas, keeping track of all schemas that are satisfying entries or have satisfying descendants (satisfying entries are those who satisfy the given entry schema predicate). For the AWS plugin, the aws, profile, resources, ec2, instances, and instance nodes are the only schemas that are satisfying entries or have satisfying descendants. All other nodes do not.

  3. Prune schemas that aren’t satisfying entries and that do not have satisfying descendants.

After the final step, the resulting stree output would look something like

└── [profile]
    └── resources
        ├── ec2
            └── instances
                └── [instance]

These are the entries that the RQL will recurse into.

Combining schema predicates works as you’d expect. So given the following query

["AND", ["action", "exec"], ["action", "stream"]]

The final schema predicate is return true if the entry supports the exec action AND if it supports the stream action. Similarly for the following query

["OR", ["action", "exec"], ["action", "stream"]]

The final schema predicate is return true if the entry supports the exec action OR if it supports the stream action.



The action primary constructs a predicate on an entry’s and an entry schema’s supported actions.


["action", "exec"]

Returns true if the entry (entry schema) supports the exec action.

The grammar lets you specify an NPE of Action predicates so syntax like

["action", ["AND", "exec", "stream"]]
["action", ["OR", "exec", "stream"]]
["action", ["NOT", "exec"]]

work as you’d expect. Specifically,


The boolean primary returns true or false depending on the predicate’s value.



Returns true.


The name primary constructs a predicate on the entry’s name.


["name", ["glob", "foo"]]

Returns true if the entry’s name matches the glob foo.

["name", ["regex", "foo"]]

Returns true if the entry’s name matches the regex foo.

["name", ["=", "foo"]]

Returns true if the entry’s name equals foo.

The grammar lets you specify an NPE of String predicates so syntax like

["name", ["AND", ["glob", "foo"], ["regex", "bar"]]]
["name", ["OR", ["glob", "foo"], ["regex", "bar"]]]
["name", ["NOT", ["glob", "foo"]]]

work as you’d expect. Specifically,


The cname primary constructs a predicate on the entry’s cname.


["cname", ["glob", "foo"]]

Returns true if the entry’s cname matches the glob foo.

["cname", ["regex", "foo"]]

Returns true if the entry’s cname matches the regex foo.

["cname", ["=", "foo"]]

Returns true if the entry’s cname equals foo.

The grammar lets you specify an NPE of String predicates so syntax like

["cname", ["AND", ["glob", "foo"], ["regex", "bar"]]]
["cname", ["OR", ["glob", "foo"], ["regex", "bar"]]]
["cname", ["NOT", ["glob", "foo"]]]

work as you’d expect. Specifically,


The path primary constructs a predicate on the entry’s path relative to the start entry’s path. For example, if the starting entry is foo with children bar and baz, then bar and baz’s path is bar and baz, respectively. If qux is a child of bar, then its path is bar/qux. Similarly if quuz is a child of baz, then its path is baz/quuz.


["path", ["glob", "foo"]]

Returns true if the entry’s path matches the glob foo.

["path", ["regex", "foo"]]

Returns true if the entry’s path matches the regex foo.

["path", ["=", "foo"]]

Returns true if the entry’s path equals foo.

The grammar lets you specify an NPE of String predicates so syntax like

["path", ["AND", ["glob", "foo"], ["regex", "bar"]]]
["path", ["OR", ["glob", "foo"], ["regex", "bar"]]]
["path", ["NOT", ["glob", "foo"]]]

work as you’d expect. Specifically,


The kind primary constructs a predicate on the entry’s kind. The entry’s kind is its schema path but without the <start_entry_label>. An entry’s schema path is constructed as <start_entry_label>/<parent1_label>/.../<label>, where <start_entry_label> is the label of the start entry (the stree root). Thus, an entry’s kind is <parent1_label>/.../<label>.

You can use stree <start_entry_path> to determine an entry’s kind. For example, if <start_entry_path> is docker, then

wash . ❯ stree docker
├── containers
│   └── [container]
│       ├── log
│       ├── metadata.json
│       └── fs
│           ├── [dir]
│           │   ├── [dir]
│           │   └── [file]
│           └── [file]
└── volumes
    └── [volume]
        ├── [dir]
        │   ├── [dir]
        │   └── [file]
                └── [file]

We see from the output that a Docker container’s kind is containers/container. Similarly, a Docker volume directory’s kind is volumes/volume/dir OR volumes/volume/dir/dir. The latter comes from the definition – a volume directory has more than one possible schema path and hence more than one possible kind.

Note: The kind primary will always return false if the plugin doesn’t support entry schemas.


["kind", ["glob", "foo"]]

Returns true if the entry’s kind matches the glob foo.

["kind", ["regex", "foo"]]

Returns true if the entry’s kind matches the regex foo.

["kind", ["=", "foo"]]

Returns true if the entry’s kind equals foo.

The grammar lets you specify an NPE of String predicates so syntax like

["kind", ["AND", ["glob", "foo"], ["regex", "bar"]]]
["kind", ["OR", ["glob", "foo"], ["regex", "bar"]]]
["kind", ["NOT", ["glob", "foo"]]]

work as you’d expect. Specifically,


The atime primary constructs a predicate on an entry’s atime attribute.


["atime", [">", "2020-01-01T22:15:52Z"]]

Returns true if the entry’s atime attribute is greater than 01/01/2020 10:15:52 PM UTC. This example can also be expressed as

["atime", [">", 1577916952]]

where 1577916952 is the time in UNIX seconds. Thus, time values can be specified as RFC3339 strings or as UNIX seconds.

The grammar lets you specify an NPE of time predicates so syntax like

["atime", ["AND", [">", "2020-01-01T22:15:52Z"], ["<", "2020-02-01T00:00:00Z"]]]
["atime", ["OR", [">", "2020-01-01T22:15:52Z"], ["<", "2020-02-01T00:00:00Z"]]]
["atime", ["NOT", [">", "2020-01-01T22:15:52Z"]]]

works as you’d expect. Specifically,


The crtime primary constructs a predicate on an entry’s crtime attribute.


["crtime", [">", "2020-01-01T22:15:52Z"]]

Returns true if the entry’s crtime attribute is greater than 01/01/2020 10:15:52 PM UTC. This example can also be expressed as

["crtime", [">", 1577916952]]

where 1577916952 is the time in UNIX seconds. Thus, time values can be specified as RFC3339 strings or as UNIX seconds.

The grammar lets you specify an NPE of time predicates so syntax like

["crtime", ["AND", [">", "2020-01-01T22:15:52Z"], ["<", "2020-02-01T00:00:00Z"]]]
["crtime", ["OR", [">", "2020-01-01T22:15:52Z"], ["<", "2020-02-01T00:00:00Z"]]]
["crtime", ["NOT", [">", "2020-01-01T22:15:52Z"]]]

works as you’d expect. Specifically,


The ctime primary constructs a predicate on an entry’s ctime attribute.


["ctime", [">", "2020-01-01T22:15:52Z"]]

Returns true if the entry’s ctime attribute is greater than 01/01/2020 10:15:52 PM UTC. This example can also be expressed as

["ctime", [">", 1577916952]]

where 1577916952 is the time in UNIX seconds. Thus, time values can be specified as RFC3339 strings or as UNIX seconds.

The grammar lets you specify an NPE of time predicates so syntax like

["ctime", ["AND", [">", "2020-01-01T22:15:52Z"], ["<", "2020-02-01T00:00:00Z"]]]
["ctime", ["OR", [">", "2020-01-01T22:15:52Z"], ["<", "2020-02-01T00:00:00Z"]]]
["ctime", ["NOT", [">", "2020-01-01T22:15:52Z"]]]

works as you’d expect. Specifically,


The mtime primary constructs a predicate on an entry’s mtime attribute.


["mtime", [">", "2020-01-01T22:15:52Z"]]

Returns true if the entry’s mtime attribute is greater than 01/01/2020 10:15:52 PM UTC. This example can also be expressed as

["mtime", [">", 1577916952]]

where 1577916952 is the time in UNIX seconds. Thus, time values can be specified as RFC3339 strings or as UNIX seconds.

The grammar lets you specify an NPE of time predicates so syntax like

["mtime", ["AND", [">", "2020-01-01T22:15:52Z"], ["<", "2020-02-01T00:00:00Z"]]]
["mtime", ["OR", [">", "2020-01-01T22:15:52Z"], ["<", "2020-02-01T00:00:00Z"]]]
["mtime", ["NOT", [">", "2020-01-01T22:15:52Z"]]]

works as you’d expect. Specifically,


The size primary constructs a predicate on the entry’s size attribute. Note that all numeric values should be unsigned integers (>= 0); otherwise, the find endpoint will return an error.


["size", [">", 10]]

Returns true if the entry’s size attribute is greater than 10 bytes. This example can also be expressed as

["size", [">", "10"]]

where "10" is the stringified numeric value. Thus, numeric values can be specified as JSON numbers or strings. The string representation’s useful for large numbers.

The grammar lets you specify an NPE of Numeric predicates so syntax like

["size", ["AND", [">", 10], ["<", 20]]]
["size", ["OR", [">", 10], ["<", 20]]]
["size", ["NOT", [">", 10]]]

works as you’d expect. Specifically,


The meta primary constructs a predicate on the entry’s metadata and metadata schema. If the fullmeta option is not set, then this will be the entry’s partial metadata and metadata schema. Otherwise if fullmeta is true, then it will be the entry’s full metadata and metadata schema.

The meta primary lets you filter on any property in the entry’s metadata. It’s similar to wash find’s meta primary, so we recommend taking a look at its tutorial if you’d like to see how you’d go about constructing a meta primary query.

For a more detailed overview of the meta primary, see the next section.


["meta", ["object", [["key", "foo"], ["number", ["=", 5]]]]]

Returns true if m['foo'] == 5, where m is the entry’s metadata.

    ["object", [["key", "foo"], ["number", ["=", 5]]]],
    ["object", [["key", "bar"], ["string", ["=", "baz"]]]]]]

Returns true if m['foo'] == 5 AND m['bar'] == "baz", where m is the entry’s metadata.

    ["object", [["key", "foo"], ["number", ["=", 5]]]],
    ["object", [["key", "bar"], ["string", ["=", "baz"]]]]]]

Returns true if m['foo'] == 5 OR m['bar'] == "baz", where m is the entry’s metadata.

Note: The meta primary takes PE ObjectPredicate, not NPE ObjectPredicate. Thus something like

["meta", ["NOT", ["object", [["key", "foo"], ["number", ["=", 5]]]]]]

is an invalid query.

The following example is more “real-worldly”.

    [["key", "tags"],
            [["key", "key"),
              ["string", ["=", "termination_date"]]]]],
            [["key", "value"),
              ["time", ["<", "2017-08-07T13:55:25.680464+00:00"]]]]]]]]]]]

Returns true if m['tags'] has at least one object o s.t. o['key'] == termination_date AND o['value'] < 8/07/2017 ... (i.e. o['value'] has expired). In the real world, this example could be combined with the kind primary to filter out all EC2 instances whose termination_date tag expired. The full request to find would look something like

curl -X POST --unix-socket /tmp/WASH_SOCKET --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data @rql_query.json 'http://localhost:/fs/find?path=/tmp/WASH_MOUNT/aws/wash' 2>/dev/null | jq

where rql_query.json looks something like

  ["kind", ["glob", "*ec2*instance"]],
      [["key", "tags"],
              [["key", "key"),
                ["string", ["=", "termination_date"]]]]],
              [["key", "value"),
                ["time", ["<", "2017-08-07T13:55:25.680464+00:00"]]]]]]]]]]]]

Detailed Meta Primary Overview

Object Predicate

A predicate on a JSON object can either be a predicate on the object’s size or on its elements.

Size Predicate

["object", [">", 10]]

Returns true if the object’s size is greater than 10 elements. This example can also be expressed as

["object", [">", "10"]]

where "10" is the stringified numeric value. Thus, numeric values can be specified as JSON numbers or strings. The string representation’s useful for large numbers.

The grammar lets you specify an NPE of Numeric predicates so syntax like

["object", ["AND", [">", 10], ["<", 20]]]
["object", ["OR", [">", 10], ["<", 20]]]
["object", ["NOT", [">", 10]]]

works as you’d expect. Specifically,

Element Predicate

An element predicate would look something like

["object", [["key", "foo"], ["number", ["=", 5]]]]

This returns true if o['foo'] == 5. Note that the meta primary will find the first key that matches foo. This is the first key such that upcase(key) == FOO. So, the above predicate would return true if o['foo'] == 5, or if o['fOo'] == 5, or if o['FOO'] == 5 depending on which key exists. If there is no matching key, then the predicate will return false. If there are multiple matching keys, then the meta primary will choose one at random.

An element predicate can also take an NPE of value predicates. Below are some examples of this.

["object", [["key", "foo"], ["object", [["key", "bar"], ["number", ["=", 5]]]]]]

Returns true if o['foo']['bar'] == 5.

["object", [["key", "foo"], ["array", ["some", ["number", ["=", 5]]]]]]

Returns true if o['foo'][?] == 5. Note that this is read as return true if o['foo'] is an array such that some element in the array is a numeric value that is equal to 5.

["object", [["key", "foo"], null]]

Returns true if o['foo'] == null.

["object", [["key", "foo"], true]]

Returns true if o['foo'] == true. Note that this will return false if o['foo'] is a non-Boolean value.

["object", [["key", "foo"], ["number", [">", 5]]]]

Returns true if o['foo'] > 5. Note that this will return false if o['foo'] is a non-Numeric value.

["object", [["key", "foo"], ["string", ["glob", "foo"]]]]

Returns true if o['foo'] matches the glob foo. Note that this will return false if o['foo'] is not a String value.

["object", [["key", "foo"], ["time", [>, "2020-01-01T22:15:52Z"]]]]

Returns true if o['foo'] > 01/01/2020 ....Note that this will return false if o['foo'] is not a Time value.

The grammar lets you specify an NPE of value predicates so syntax like

["object", [["key", "foo"], ["AND", ["number", ["<", 10]], true]]]
["object", [["key", "foo"], ["OR", ["number", ["<", 10]], ["string", ["glob", "foo"]]]]]
["object", [["key", "foo"], ["NOT", ["time", [">", "2020-01-01T22:15:52Z"]]]]]

works as you’d expect. Specifically,

Array Predicate

A predicate on a JSON array can either be a predicate on the array’s size or on its elements.

Size Predicate

["array", [">", 10]]

Returns true if the array’s size is greater than 10 elements. This example can also be expressed as

["array", [">", "10"]]

where "10" is the stringified numeric value. Thus, numeric values can be specified as JSON numbers or strings. The string representation’s useful for large numbers.

The grammar lets you specify an NPE of Numeric predicates so syntax like

["array", ["AND", [">", 10], ["<", 20]]]
["array", ["OR", [">", 10], ["<", 20]]]
["array", ["NOT", [">", 10]]]

works as you’d expect. Specifically,

Element Predicate

An element predicate could look something like

["array", ["some", ["number", ["=", 5]]]]
["array", ["all", ["number", ["=", 5]]]]
["array", [1, ["number", ["=", 5]]]]

The first example returns true if a[?] == 5 where a[?] means “some element in the array”. The second example returns true if a[*] == 5, where a[*] means “all elements in the array”. Finally, the third example returns true if a[1] == 5, where a[1] means the element at index 1. The last example is an instance of the more general ["array", [n, p]] example, which returns true if a[n] satisfies p, where n is some array index value.

An element predicate can also take an NPE of value predicates. Below are some examples of this.

["array", [some, ["object", [["key", "bar"], ["number", ["=", 5]]]]]]

Returns true if a[?]['bar'] == 5. Note that this is read as return true if some element in the array is an object o s.t. o['bar'] == 5.

["array", [some, ["array", ["some", ["number", ["=", 5]]]]]]

Returns true if a[?][?] == 5. Note that this is read as return true if some element in the array is an array b s.t. b[?] == 5 (some element in b is 5).

["array", [some, null]]

Returns true if a[?] == null. Note that this is read as return true if some element in the array is null.

["array", [some, true]]

Returns true if a[?] == true.

["array", [some, ["number", [">", 5]]]]

Returns true if a[?] > 5.

["array", [some, ["string", ["glob", "foo"]]]]

Returns true if a[?] matches the glob foo.

["array", [some, ["time", [>, "2020-01-01T22:15:52Z"]]]]

Returns true if a[?] > 01/01/2020 ....

The grammar lets you specify an NPE of value predicates so syntax like

["array", [some, ["AND", ["number", ["<", 10]], true]]]
["array", [some, ["OR", ["number", ["<", 10]], ["string", ["glob", "foo"]]]]]
["array", [some, ["NOT", ["time", [">", "2020-01-01T22:15:52Z"]]]]]

works as you’d expect. Specifically,

Null Predicate


This returns true if the value’s null, false otherwise.

Boolean Predicate


Returns true if the value’s a Boolean value that’s equal to true.


Returns true if the value’s a Boolean value that’s equal to false.

Numeric Predicate

["number", [">", 10]]

Returns true if the numeric value is greater than 10. This example can also be expressed as

["number", [">", "10"]]

where "10" is the stringified numeric value. Thus, numeric values can be specified as JSON numbers or strings. The string representation’s useful for large numbers.

The grammar lets you specify an NPE of Numeric predicates so syntax like

["number", ["AND", [">", 10], ["<", 20]]]
["number", ["OR", [">", 10], ["<", 20]]]
["number", ["NOT", [">", 10]]]

works as you’d expect. Specifically,

Note: A numeric predicate will always return false for non-Numeric values like e.g. Boolean values.

Time Predicate

["time", [">", "2020-01-01T22:15:52Z"]]

Returns true if the time value is greater than 01/01/2020 10:15:52 PM UTC. This example can also be expressed as

["time", [">", 1577916952]]

where 1577916952 is the time in UNIX seconds. Thus, time values can be specified as RFC3339 strings or as UNIX seconds.

The grammar lets you specify an NPE of time predicates so syntax like

["time", ["AND", [">", "2020-01-01T22:15:52Z"], ["<", "2020-02-01T00:00:00Z"]]]
["time", ["OR", [">", "2020-01-01T22:15:52Z"], ["<", "2020-02-01T00:00:00Z"]]]
["time", ["NOT", [">", "2020-01-01T22:15:52Z"]]]

works as you’d expect. Specifically,

Note: A time predicate will always return false for non-Time values like e.g. Boolean values.

String Predicate

["string", ["glob", "foo"]]

Returns true if the string value matches the glob foo.

["string", ["regex", "foo"]]

Returns true if the string value matches the regex foo.

["string", ["=", "foo"]]

Returns true if the string value equals foo.

The grammar lets you specify an NPE of String predicates so syntax like

["string", ["AND", ["glob", "foo"], ["regex", "bar"]]]
["string", ["OR", ["glob", "foo"], ["regex", "bar"]]]
["string", ["NOT", ["glob", "foo"]]]

work as you’d expect. Specifically,

Note: A string predicate will always return false for non-String values like e.g. Boolean values.

Schema Predicate

The meta primary’s schema predicate is constructed on the entry’s metadata schema. Here’s how it works. Note that we’ll be referencing nodes in the AST’s grammar during this discussion.

Given a value predicate AST, assume that all negatable value predicate expressions are in reduced form (meaning all NOT operators are of the form ["NOT", ValuePredicate]). Consider a leaf in this tree, where a leaf is either a

Then the leaf’s satisfying value schema (SVS) is the schema of all satisfying values of the predicate generated by the leaf-AST [the AST consisting of all nodes up to this leaf ignoring any intermediate AND/OR operators].

As an example, consider the following AST:

  [["key", "foo"],
        ["number", ["=", 5]],
        ["NOT", ["number", [">", 5]]]]]]]]

Then the leaves are the number and NOT nodes under the OR. Their SVS’ are

Now let svs be the leaf’s SVS. Then its schema predicate will return true iff the schema supports svs. The AST’s final schema predicate will be an AND/OR of all the generated leaves’ schema predicates as specified in the AST. If the AST doesn’t have any AND/OR operators, then the schema predicate is just the leaf’s schema predicate.

To see all of this in action, consider the following example.

    [["key", "foo"],
          ["number", ["=", 5]],
          ["object", [["key", bar"], true]]]]]]]]

The SVS’ for this predicate are .foo[] null AND .foo[].bar *. Hence, the generated schema predicate is return true if the metadata schema supports the SVS’ .foo[] null AND .foo[].bar *.


Consider a value expression like

["NOT", ["number", [">", 5]]]

Then this will return true for all numeric values <= 5. It will also return true for all non-numeric values since ["number", [">", 5]] returns false for those. If your intent is to negate the [">", 5] part but still return false for non-numeric values, then you should move the NOT inside the numeric predicate. So the value expression should be written as

["number", ["NOT", [">", 5]]]

Similar subtleties exist for String and Time predicates. In general, for any predicates that are of the form [<value_type>, p], if your intent is to negate p while still returning false for mis-typed values, then you should write the negation as [<value_type>, [NOT, p]] instead of [NOT, [<value_type>, p]].

Finally, something like

["NOT", true]

will return false for true Boolean values, but true for all non-Boolean values since true returns false for those. If your intent is to negate the true part, then just pass-in false instead. So you should use


to clarify this intent.

So if there are subtleties with NOT, then why do we allow NPE ValuePredicates? Why not limit things to just PE ValuePredicates? The reason is because NOT makes it easier to express other predicates without adding-in extra RQL syntax. For example, something like

["object", [["key", "foo"], ["OR", null, ["NOT", null]]]]

can be used to test that o['foo'] exists. Something like

["NOT", ["object", [">=", 0]]]

can be used to test for a non-Object value (since all object values have >= 0 size).