Introducing Wash

Have you ever had to:

If so, then some parts of the following tables might look familiar to you. If not, then here’s how AWS/Docker/Kubernetes/GCP recommends that you do some of these tasks.

List all… Command
AWS EC2 instances aws ec2 describe-instances --profile foo --query 'Reservations[].Instances[].InstanceId' --output text
Docker containers docker ps --all
Kubernetes pods kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
GCP Compute instances gcloud compute instances list
Read… Command
Console output of an EC2 instance aws ec2 get-console-output --profile foo --instance-id bar
Console output of a Google compute instance gcloud compute instances get-serial-port-output foo
An S3 object’s content aws s3api get-object content.txt --profile foo --bucket bar --key baz && cat content.txt && rm content.txt
A GCP Storage object’s content gsutil cat gs://foo/bar
Exec uname on… Command
An EC2 instance ssh -i /path/my-key-pair.pem ec2-user@ uname
An a Docker container docker exec foo uname
Exec on a Kubernetes pod kubectl exec foo uname
On a Google Compute instance gcloud compute ssh foo --command uname
Find by ‘owner’… Command
EC2 instances aws ec2 describe-instances --profile foo --query 'Reservations[].Instances[].InstanceId' --filters Name=tag-key,Values=owner --output text
Docker containers docker ps --filter “label=owner”
Kubernetes pods kubectl get pods --all-namespaces --selector=owner
Google Compute instance gcloud compute instances list --filter=”labels.owner:*”

From this, we see that you need to use different commands to List/Read/Exec/Find different things. Furthermore, these commands require you to install different applications that each come with their own set of (possibly conflicting) dependencies, and their own calling conventions. For example, to complete all the Find tasks specified in the table, you need to:

That’s a lot of stuff you have to use and learn to do some very fundamental and basic tasks. It naturally begs the question of whether there’s a better way of performing these tasks that is (1) more expressive than what’s presented here, and (2) does not require you to learn different commands to perform a task on different things.

The answer is Wash. With Wash, here’s what the invocations look like:

List all… Command
AWS EC2 instances find aws/foo -k '*ec2*instance'
Docker containers find docker -k '*container'
Kubernetes pods find kubernetes -k '*pod'
GCP Compute instances find gcp -k '*compute*instance'
Read… Command
Console output of an EC2 instance cat aws/foo/resources/ec2/instances/bar/console.out
Console output of a Google compute instance cat gcp/<project>/compute/foo/console.out
An S3 object’s content cat aws/foo/resources/s3/bar/baz
A GCP Storage object’s content cat gcp/<project>/storage/foo/bar
Exec uname on… Command
An EC2 instance wexec aws/foo/resources/ec2/instances/bar uname
An a Docker container wexec docker/containers/foo uname
Exec on a Kubernetes pod wexec kubernetes/<context>/<namespace>/pods/foo uname
On a Google Compute instance wexec gcp/<project>/compute/foo uname
Find by ‘owner’… Command
EC2 instances find aws/foo -k '*ec2*instance' -meta '.tags[?].key' owner
Docker containers find docker -k '*container' -meta '.labels.owner' -exists
Kubernetes pods find kubernetes -k '*pod' -meta '.metadata.labels.owner' -exists
Google Compute instance find gcp -k '*compute*instance' -meta '.labels.owner' -exists

Contrast this with the commands you’d ordinarily have to use. We immediately see that using Wash means:

In fact, Wash is not just a centralization of basic and fundamental commands. It is a shell. It is a shell layered on top of an existing shell like Bash or ZSH. This means that:

Furthermore, Wash is built on a plugin architecture. It ships with some default plugins for Docker, AWS, Kubernetes, and GCP, but you can easily extend it with your own plugin via the external plugin interface (and you can write that plugin in any language you want, including Bash). People have written external plugins for all sorts of things such as IoT devices, Goodreads, GitHub, PuppetDB, and even Spotify.

If this all sounds intriguing to you, please download Wash Wash and give it a try!

  1. Notice that this example showcases another Wash feature: that you don’t have to SSH into a bunch of different things to individually tail their logs. For example, something like tail aws/foo/resources/ec2/instances/bar/fs/var/log/messages gcp/baz/compute/qux/fs/var/log/messages will tail the /var/log/messages file on the bar EC2 instance and the qux GCP compute instance. As a fun example, the command tail -f $(find -k 'aws/*ec2*instance' -o -k 'gcp/*compute*instance' | sed s:$:/fs/var/log/messages:g) will tail the /var/log/messages file of every EC2 instance and GCP compute instance. (Note that the intermediate sed appends /fs/var/log/messages to the outputted paths. Baking this logic into find considerably slows things down. Also, fs is short for “filesystem”. It represents the root directory of the EC2 instance/GCP compute instance).